
Can Sciatica be Caused by a Slip and Fall Accident?

Can Sciatica be Caused by a Slip and Fall Accident?

Slip-and-fall accidents can result in very serious long-term injuries for many individuals, ranging from damage to the lower extremities to injury in the cranial and neck areas of the body. Back injuries may also occur from any type of fall because the base of the spine is most common part of the impact point, many times including the entire spine after the accident is over. Not only can bones and cartilage be impacted, but the nerve system can be damaged as well, namely the sciatic nerve.

Understanding Sciatica
The sciatic nerve is the primary nerve that runs along the lower spine and delivers electrical impulses to the legs. Walking becomes very difficult if not impossible when the sciatic nerve is aggravated or injured. Damage to the sciatic nerve tends to last the remainder of the victim’s life and recurs every so often when the injured party turns in an unusual way. Just because an injured claimant can still move freely in certain time periods does not mean the disorder will not be a life-altering injury. Problems with sciatica can linger even from the slightest of twists that inflame the nerve, as muscles in the lower back region contract and swell upwardly.

Why a Lebanon Personal Injury Attorney is Necessary
Proving that a medical condition is the result of an accident can often be difficult, and injured parties are routinely dismissed when approaching the responsible party. Having an experienced Lebanon personal injury attorney means you have a professional legal negotiator representing your injury claim who can prove the case in court if necessary. Sciatica is a prime example of the type of injury claim that will be defended strongly because of the nature of how the injury impacts personal mobility. The flaring up of the injury is a claimable long-term result, and the claim could also be subject to whole damage availability.

Contact Pennsylvania Law Firm Henry & Beaver
Never accept the imposition a back injury can have when there are legal and financial resources available. Always call an experienced Pennsylvania law firm like the lawyers in Lebanon at Henry & Beaver who have a long track record of success for their clients. If you or a loved one has been injured do to the negligence or carelessness of someone else, contact the personal injury attorneys at Henry & Beaver today.